WooCommerce Customer Relationship Manager v3.0.5 plugin essential extension is designed to help you manage your customers quickly, efficiently and easily. Check our demo and be amazed at what this plugin can do for your business. Read more…

JC WooCommerce Set Your Price v0.2.5 WordPress plugin allows users to pay what they want for your product as long as that price is above the specified minimum price. Evaluate product prices by setting how much you think a product is worth and let customer Read more…

WooCommerce Ultimate Multi Currency Suite v1.6.1 is a highly advanced multi currency plugin for WordPress-WooCommerce shops. It allows you to set custom prices to your products and variations, as well as coupon amounts, in multiple currencies. Read more…

Uni Custom Product Options & Calculations is a fully featured plugin that gives a possibility to add any custom options for your WooCommerce products as well as enables custom price calculation based on any maths formula. Moreover, there is a conditional Read more…