Security Pro v2.2.12 – WordPress Security Plugin is a Better WP Security By iThemes Security shows you a list of things to do to make your site more secure with a simple way to turn options on or off. they’ve simplified these steps and provided descriptio Read more…

Wordfence Security Premium v6.1.8 WordPress Plugin Will Protect your WordPress websites with the best security available. Read more…

BackupBuddy v7.1.4.4 WordPress plugin Will Easily backup, restore or move your WordPress site to another domain or server. As you Know that Sites get hacked every day. Our passwords are rarely as strong as we think. And sometimes it doesn’t matter. Someti Read more…

iThemes Security Pro v2.6.1 – WordPress Security Plugin is a Better WP Security By iThemes Security shows you a list of things to do to make your site more secure with a simple way to turn options on or off. they’ve simplified these steps and provided des Read more…